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CoolSculpting Elite – Reviewing How This New Treatment Is Better Than CoolSculpting ?


You know the feeling when you have a few pounds that won’t go away no matter what you do? You’ve tried every fad diet and gym membership but to no avail. Well, today is your lucky day. CoolSculpting is here to answer all of your prayers. With this amazing new technology, you can finally say goodbye to stubborn fat with one simple procedure. Find out more about how it works and CoolSculpting side effects, if it has any. 

What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a procedure that freezes off fat cells without damaging the skin. CoolSculpting is a gentle procedure used to effectively remove excess fat from various body parts. This innovative treatment is perfect for people who have been unsuccessful with diet and exercise and those who are not yet ready for surgery. The technology behind CoolSculpting is fairly simple. It works by freezing unwanted fat cells, which causes them to die and break down over time. Then, over three months or so, the cells will disintegrate into your lymphatic system for elimination from the body. 

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

The process starts with a patented Smart Core applicator device, which holds the cooling panels in place over the treatment area. The applicator is then used to apply the coolant (liquid nitrogen) around the treatment area, reducing heat during the procedure. Finally, the skin is numbed with a topical anesthetic to decrease pain; it may be necessary to wear a bandage over the area for up to two weeks.

The applicator is then used to place cooling panels over the treatment area, and five minutes later, it’s ready for your first treatment. A doctor discusses your goals with you during your first appointment and explains how much fat you can expect to lose and when. The size of your applicator will depend on how much fat you want to be removed from various areas of your body.

CoolSculpting Latest Treatment Option 

For a long time now, CoolSculpting has been the popular choice of people looking to reduce the appearance of body fat and cellulite. However, they have just launched a new treatment option,  CoolSculpting Elite. Let’s look at reasons why it’s better than other treatments.

CoolSculpting Elite Is More Comfortable Than Other Options. 

 CoolSculpting Elite uses two paddles that are applied to the skin. The cold touch of the metal paddles will cause some tingling and numbness as they work to remove fat cells underneath the skin. However, cooling technology has advanced recently, including the CoolSculpting Elite treatment. Besides this, the design of applicators has also been updated in the CoolSculpting Elite. They are now more comfortable and fit right with the natural body curves. In addition, the U-shaped contour has been replaced by the C shape making less squeezing of tissue. That is why the new and enhanced methods that come with CoolSculpting are much more relaxing and guess what, post-treatment soreness is also very minimal, making than the older CoolSculpting machine. 

More Fat Reduction Than CoolSculpting 

CoolSculpting Elite offers more fat reduction in the local area where it’s performed compared to the previous one. The new device handpieces cool more tissue with each cycle due to much more contact with the area with the newly designed technology. It helps to reduce 20 to 25 percent more fat than the old CoolSculpting device in a single visit, making it better than the old CoolSculpting. 

 Less Treatment Time 

The new CoolSculpting Elite has opened the way for the users to get the treatment in much less time. Reducing fat is fast due to the enhanced technology and updated engineering. Therefore, people prefer CoolSculpting Elite over the original CoolSculpting because they need results in less time. In addition, the CoolSculpting Elite has two applicators on each machine which allows freezing more fat at once.

Does CoolSculpting Have Any Side Effects?

Is CoolSculpting Elite safe to reduce fat, and what are its risk factors? This is a question you may be wondering about. As for safety, the reviews of this procedure say it is entirely safe. It does not use any lasers or chemicals to destroy fat cells; instead of relying on time-tested cooling technology (cryolipolysis). It is efficient, safe, and non-invasive, but it does very mild side effects that can be neglected because of its efficiency and benefits to the body. 

It is low cost with low risks and high benefits, making it great for people who do not want surgery or any other invasive procedure to reduce fat on their bodies. But now, let’s look at some of the mild and rare CoolSculpting side effects

The main risk or complication is the pain that a person can feel after having Cryolipolysis treatment. Your muscle can also be sore, but that is temporary as with time and exercise, you can get it back to normal. But it can cause mild or moderate pain in the nerves. Another risk factor of this treatment is the PAH or Paradoxical Fat Hyperplasia. Although it is very rare, but a  person may suffer from these side effects for various reasons.

CoolSculpting Elite Comes With Safety Options 

For those of you who do not, CoolSculpting is a patented technology and is FDA approved, making it a trusted and safe option to reduce fat. CoolSculpting Elite, a new treatment option, helps reduce the squeezing on the area where you have been treated. Earlier it was considered that increase in squeezing reduces oxygenation near the treated fat, which raises the potential side effect of Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia. In PAH or Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia, the treated area gets firm, and the area grows larger instead of getting shrink. 

The probability of these side effects or complications happening after old CoolSculpting treatment was one in approx four thousand. Although the side effects of PAH were treatable via Kybella or Liposuction, the idea was to prevent the side effects from happening at all. That is why CoolSculpting Elite was invented, and since its launched, there has not been a single patient suffering from any kind of its side effects. 

CoolSculpting Elite uses a cooling technology that can freeze fat cells into the skin under the device. Since there’s no need to cut anything through your skin, there’s minimal pain during the treatment. So now you can decide whether this treatment is for you or not? Because if you want to reduce fat and shape and contour your body without any expensive surgeries or other liposuction methods, then CoolSculpting is good for you. 

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