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Skin Tightening- Dermatologist Treatment


It is our duty to take care of our skin from the merciless weather outside that gives us a bad look over a period of time and we end up looking 10 to 15 years older than our biological age or sometimes even more.

We all want to look good and would pay anything to get a perfectly flawless skin with little to no side effects. However, it is easier said than done because skin treatment is a procedure that can go horribly wrong and end up making matters worse.

Skincare is an important topic that every individual has to know about because what they perceive to be a flaw in their looks might not be the same for others. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and the sooner certain folks accept it the better it will be for them.

Skin tightening treatment is a complex topic that is difficult to begin with. It has many ups and downs and will definitely trigger a few sensitive people the wrong way because they are extremely delicate in terms of emotions as they feel they’re ugly looking.

Microneeding Therapy

This article is simply about some new things that you can expect when it comes to skincare in the coming decade. Microneedling is an important medical treatment that is essential for skin cleansing.

It is the process in which the skin is pierced with the help of small, sterile needles to get rid of dirt, dark circles and acne surrounding the skin especially under the eyes. 

Over a period of time, the skin starts showing signs of ageing which is why many people prefer going under the knife to look young for as long as possible and microneedling is just one example.

The skin is pierced with a microneedling pen to as to release collagen, which is a structural protein found in the tissues connecting our nerves and muscles. The needling process gets rid of dead skin cells while the collagen helps generate new ones and give the skin a youthful glowing look.

Some people have strong skin while some don’t and it ends up losing its firmness when age catches up. It becomes a matter of concern for people that are obsessed with good looks and start looking up solutions online.

Skin tightening treatments are aplenty and we are going to look at a few examples that generate positive results.

Note Points

  1. Collagen Induction Therapy- The medical term for microneedling, it is a foolproof way of disposing of antioxidants, dark circles, acnes, dead skin cells and give yourself a new look. It is done by a microneedling pen professional where the pointed needle pierces the skin and penetrates deep inside and release collagen without injury
  2. Laser Skin Surfacing- Laser treatment is used for removing skin layers that are thinner without causing any damage to the structures of skin through the heat generated
  3. Ultrasound Therapy- Collagen is stimulated quickly through ultrasound treatment because once the skin gains heat it happens in a fraction of seconds and is approved by Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) as well
  4. Radio Frequency- It increases temperature in the body to smoothen up the skin and stimulate collagen
  5. Fraxel Laser
  6. Erbium Laser
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